

Phosphates and specialty products are used in the cleaning, finishing, tanning and dyeing of textiles and leather.

In cleaning, finishing and dyeing, the use of phosphates and specialty products fulfills a number of unique functions. In combination with soaps or with synthetic detergents, they exhibit synergistic effects on detergency and improve their penetrating, wetting, emulsifying and dispersing properties.

Our specialty products for the leather industry are used in the wet process in the beamhouse and include:

  • GERMOL®*
  • URGON®*
  • UTANIT®*

For more information on specialty products for the leather industry, please see our brochure, “Product System for the Leather Industry.”

We also offer a wide range of specialty dyeing products and fat liquors for the East Asian market.

*GERMOL®,CORIAGEN®,URGON®, and UTANIT® are all ICL trademarked products manufactured in Ladenburg, Germany.

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