

What kind of technical literature is available from ICL Phosphate Specialties?

ICL Phosphate Specialties makes available to its customers several technical bulletins and brochures discussing its products and applications.


What types of phosphates are available from ICL Phosphate Specialties?

ICL Phosphate Specialties offers a full and complete line of sodium and potassium salts of orthophosphate, pyrophosphate and tripolyphosphate. Additionally, sodium salts of long chain polyphosphates are produced under the trade names of Sodaphos®, Hexaphos® and Glass H®. Contact our Technical Service Specialists to discuss your applications.


What are the differences between orthophosphoric acid and polyphosphoric acid?

While orthophosphoric acid is made up of only individual PO4 units, polyphosphoric acid also includes long-chain polymerized units. A key feature in polyphosphoric acid is the absence of free water and unique reactivity in organic systems. Please contact one of our Technical Specialists for assistance in determining the best products for your applications.


What parameters define the various grades of technical sodium tripolyphosphate?

ICL Phosphate Specialties produces several grades of STPP, each with a different combination of granularity, density, moisture and phase content. Contact our Technical Service Specialists to discuss your applications.


I need assistance in formulating a new product. What kind of help can I get from ICL Phosphate Specialties?

​ICL Phosphate Specialties technical staff has over 100 years of combined experience in product formulation. They will be happy to assist you in developing your product, from starting formulations, analyses and evaluation. Contact our Technical Service Specialists to discuss your project.