
Responsible Care

Responsible Care® is the global chemical industry’s environmental, health and safety (EHS) initiative to drive continuous improvement in performance.

The program is run by the International Council for Chemicals Associations (ICCA), in which associations from 53 countries are members, including the Manufacturers Association in Israel, Associations in 26 European countries, and the American Chemistry Council in USA.

The Responsible Care program strives for continuous improvement in the chemical industry, meeting and going beyond legislative and regulatory compliance, promotion of volunteer initiatives to realize these principles together with government, public and other stakeholders to promote the program, and other activities to establish security and public trust in the chemicals industry.

In October 2008, ICL’s CEO signed a commitment to the principles of the Responsible Care Global Charter, a document developed in 2006 by the International Council of Chemical Associations as a statement of principles for the global chemical industry in the coming years. The principles include product stewardship, responsibility for environmental risk management and increased transparency along the supply chain, contribution to sustainable development, increased dialogue with stakeholders, assimilation of a management system, and external controls.

All ICL segments have adopted the Guiding Principles of Responsible Care and are committed to achieving Responsible Care Certification.