

ICL is a leading provider of potash, phosphate and technology-rich specialty fertilizers – critical inputs that farmers need to increase their yields and improve the quality of their crops.

Potash and Phosphate Fertilizers
We are one of the world’s largest producers of potash and an integrated producer of a variety of products based on phosphate rock, including phosphate fertilizers, phosphoric acid and animal feed additives. We are the sixth largest potash producer in the world and the second largest in Western Europe. We are also the largest producer of PK fertilizers (compound potash and phosphate fertilizers) in Europe. Our major markets include Brazil, China, Europe and India.

Specialty Fertilizers
ICL Specialty Fertilizers produces and markets an extensive range of proprietary high-quality and innovative products with the purpose of providing growers, farmers, greenkeepers and groundsmen around the world with solutions for stronger and healthier grass, plants and crops. A team of highly specialized experts and advisors is dedicated to helping customers optimize their resources.

ICL Specialty Fertilizers is dedicated to a greener world and is therefore continuously improving its products and developing technologies that improve the environmental profile of our plant nutrition. ICL Specialty Fertilizers operates in the following markets:

Ornamental horticulture – nursery stock, perennials, potting and bedding plants
ICL produces products for a range of leading brands, such as Osmocote & Peters, which give growers optimum results and maximum return on investment. Products include:

  • Controlled Release Fertilizers (CRF)
  • Slow Release Fertilizers (SRF)
  • Water Soluble Fertilizers (WSF)
  • Plant Protection Products (PPP)

Specialty agriculture – fruit, vegetables and arable crops
The brands in this category represent the top of the line in specialty fertilizers. The main brands are AgrocoteAgromaster and Agroblen, and in regards to solubles for fertigation and foliar: AgrolutionNovacid and Agroleaf Power. ICL Specialty Fertilizers has a unique range of PK crystalline soluble fertilizers with brands such as NovaPeak, NovaMAP and PeKacid. Products include:

  • Controlled Release Fertilizers (CRF)
  • Fertigation Fertilizers: Liquid NPK, Water Soluble NPK, Water Soluble Straight Fertilizers
  • Foliar Fertilizers: Liquid NPK, Water Soluble NPK, Water Soluble Straight Fertilizers and Micronutrients
  • Water Conservation Agents

Turf and landscape – golf courses, sports fields and landscape
ICL produces products for a range of first-rate brands, such as SierrablenSierraformSportsmaster, ProTurf fertilizers and ProSelect grass seeds, to meet the highly specialized needs of turf and landscape experts. Products include:

  • Controlled Release Fertilizers (CRF)
  • Slow Release Fertilizers (SRF)
  • Water Soluble Fertilizers (WSF)
  • Liquid Fertilizers
  • Water Conservation Agents
  • Specialty Grade Fertilizers
  • Grass Seeds
  • Plant Protection Products (PPP)

If you wish to know more about ICL Specialty Fertilizers, our products and solutions, or would like to contact one of our experts in the field, please visit our websites: iclfertilizers.com and icl-sf.com